AmigaActive (436/1338)

From:Bob Rickman
Date:10 May 2001 at 09:42:35
Subject:Re: Blizzard 1260 + SCSIKit IV

This is a reply to a message from Armin.
Subject: [amigactive] Re: Blizzard 1260 + SCSIKit IV:

Hello Armin,

On 10-May-01, you wrote:

> On 09-May-2001, at 19:19:42, Bob Rickman wrote:
>>> Use the UnitControl program included on your
>>> SCSI-Kit floppy disk to see the connected devices.
>> Unable to get this programme to start,
>> maybe due to what you say next.
> In the UnitControl icon enter the following
> tool type: DEVICE=1230scsi.device

Done that same difference.

>>  I've used a male 25 to male 50pin centronics
>> connector to connect up with the scsi chain,
>> this is as per manual as far as I can see.
I've since used an alternative cable from my scsi chain (on I know is OK)
but no change to results.

> Disconnect the cable from the SCSI-Kit and
> check that the connections are correctly matched
> signalwise between the 25 and the 50 pin cables.
> In case you do not have access to a multimeter,
> just use a torchlight lamp and a suitable battery
> + two lengths of wire.

I'll try with a multimeter this morning. This cable appears the most likely
suspect, apart from the board itself, although memory on the card is
recognised and used. I've contacted the suppliers for advice also.

>> Tried Scout but it can't find 1230scsi.device.
> The device is loaded from a ROM on the SCSI board,
> so it should be visible in the SCOUT:DEVICES window.
Does this happen whether or not scsi devices are connected;? If so it points
rather to the board itself:-(

> Are you sure that you have connected the Blizzard
> 1260 board and the SCSI-Kit board in a correct manner?
> The SCSI-Kit User Manual warns about residues from
> the production process on the circuitboard contacts.
> Are the boards brand new?

Pretty certain, see above; and yes. brand new.


Bob Rickman
Devon UK

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